
Downloading a Bible

The first time you select the bible tab in JW Library it will prompt: "Select a Bible" as a heading at the top of the screen.

After that is a "later" button, but do yourself a favor and download the Bible right away.

Double tap the "English Study Bible" button.

I'm not discouraging getting other languages, but you are reading this in English, and I can't explain how to use the edit field for searching for another language. Later you can find and add other versions and languages. You can get as many as you'd like.

When the Study Bible is downloaded it will open.

To look up a scripture:

Find and double tab the Bible tab which is the 2nd tab from the left at the bottom of the screen in JW Library. VoiceOver doesn't say anything, but if you touch the Bible tab again VoiceOver will say "Selected, Bible, Tab 2 of 5."

At the top of the screen is a heading that says which Bible version is being shown. Most likely, you will want it to be the Study Bible. Below that heading is a group of tabs. In the Study Bible they will be: Introduction, Books, Index, Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C.

Double tap the Books tab if it is not already selected.

The Books tab will remain selected unless you choose another tab, so it will not be necessary to look for it again before looking up scriptures in the future.

Next time you switch to the Bible tab you can turn the VoiceOver Rotor to headings. Then swipe up with 1 finger to find where the list of Greek or Hebrew scriptures begin.

The Bible books are in a grid. So for example, Exodus is to the right of Genesis. On my iPhone all 66 books take up 2 pages, but on my iPad they only take up 1 page.

If you want to look up something in James in JW Library on an iPhone. It is most efficient to swipe up with 3 fingers to scroll to the 2nd page of Bible books before hunting for James.

It is also important to know that switching from portrait to landscape orientation will change the display of the Bible books. Obviously they will be in the same order, but in portrait orientation Isaiah may be below Job, but in landscape Joel may be below Job instead.

When looking for a book later in the Hebrew scriptures remember that it is likely more efficient to swipe up/down to the Greek scriptures heading, and then swipe left from there to go backwards through the books.

When you have found the Bible book you want double tap it. VoiceOver will say "Study Bible, back button" when the list of chapters is showing.

They are also in a grid and may or may not take up more than 1 page. For a book like Psalms you will need to swipe up with 3 fingers several times to scroll to the end of the list.

You can quickly jump to the 1st chapter number by turning the VoiceOver rotor to containers and swiping up or down depending on your current location.

On an iPhone only the list of chapters will be on the screen. On an iPad the chapter numbers will be on the left side of the screen, and the Outline of Contents of that Bible book will be shown on the right side.

Double tap the chapter you want. VoiceOver will say: Name of book "back button" when the text of the chapter is showing.

Again you can swipe down with 1 finger to find the beginning of the text if the Voiceover rotor is on containers.

Note that on an iPhone only the chapter will be on the screen. On an iPad the chapter text will be on the left and the Study Pain may or may not be open on the right side.

Without a bluetooth keyboard or braille display, or a VoiceOver custom gesture, there is no quick and easy way to find the verse you want. You will just have to swipe and scroll and swipe until you find the number.

There is also no way to read only the text without numbers or footnote letters without one of the 3 things I just mentioned.

For more information on easily reading the New World Translation Study Bible with VoiceOver read this article I wrote. Tips

Study Bible Features

each Bible book has, or will soon have, a video called "Introduction to..."

You can play this video by finding the Introduction button that is after the last chapter number button. This will display an unlabeled JpG image in the study pain.

followed by another image that says: "Overlayvideo.svg" which you double tap to start the video.

Below that is information about the Bible book like: when it was written and who wrote it, as well as a lot of other information that is likely to be of interest.

This document will be posted without being complete, so that it can be of some use. I will continue to update it as I add more information on the features of JW Library, or clarify directions. I say this so you know that there is a lot more to write on this topic. Ask others you know for their favorite features and tips.